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Scripting Root

Envrioment: Mission Scripting
Function: MGRStoLL Added with: 1.2.0
Member Of: coord
Syntax: latitude, longitude, altitude coord.MGRStoLL(table MGRS )
Description: Returns multiple values of a given in MGRS coordinates and converts it to latitude, longitude, and altitude

MGRS Table:

MGRS = {
  UTMZone = string,
  MGRSDigraph = string,
  Easting = number,
  Northing = number

Return Value: latitude, longitude, altitude
Return Example:
Examples: The following will use multiple functions, starting with coord.MGRStoLL to convert the values to LL which then converts them to LO, which will be used to draw a flag oriented with the MGRS grids over a location of no significance on the coast of the Black Sea.

   local mId = 0
   local function id()
       mId = mId + 1
       return mId
   local colors = {{0.894, 0.012, 0.012, .8},{1, 0.549, 0, .8},{1, 0.929, 0, .8},{0, 0.502, 0.149, .8},{0.141, 0.251, 0.557, .8},{0.451, 0.161, 0.51, .8}}
   local wMod = {-1, 1, 1, -1}
   local hMod = {1, 1, -1, -1}
   local mgrs = {UTMZone = "37T", MGRSDigraph = "DK",}
   local w = -15000
   local h = -1000
   local startEast = 40000 
   for i = 1, 6 do
       local startNorth = 29000 + (h * i * 2)
       local tbl = {-1, id()}
       for j = 1, 4 do
           mgrs.Easting = startEast + (w * wMod[j])
           mgrs.Northing = startNorth + (h * hMod[j])
           local lat, lon = coord.MGRStoLL(mgrs)
           local point = coord.LLtoLO(lat, lon, 0)
       table.insert(tbl, {0, 0, 0, 0} )   
       table.insert(tbl, colors[i])
       table.insert(tbl,  math.random(0, 6))
Related Functions: Coord Functions: LLtoLO, LOtoLL, LLtoMGRS, MGRStoLL