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Added with: Mist 3.0
Utilizes mist.getBRString and mist.message.add functions to display a coordinates in the bearing range altitude format of the average position of units at the specified accuracy from the position of the reference unit via the mist message system to the specified recipients for the given displayTime. If text is provided, the coordinates will be added to the end of the text message.
nothing mist.msgBRA(table vars )
Valid Input Values:

vars tables have the following recognized fields( required entries in blue, optional in green):

 vars = 
 units = UnitNameTable units, 
 ref = string ref, 
 displayTime = number displayTime, 
 msgFor = table msgFor,
 text = string text, 
 metric = boolean metric,

units is a UnitNameTable- a table of unit names that follow a special set of rules (see the entry on UnitNameTables). The average position of the alive units will be used to define the point that the message will vector to.

ref is the string name for the reference unit the Bearing Range, and Altitude message will be vectored from.

displayTime is the time in seconds the message will display for.

msgFor is the list of message recipients as outlined in the mist.message.add documenation

text is an optional variable of text to be displayed before the BR coordinates

metric is a boolean value that if present will display the coordinates using the metric system

Return value:
Return example:
Usage Examples:
The following will display a message to a player in aircraft named "tomcat1". The bearing range and altitude will be appended to the end of the text string. The
        units = mist.makeUnitTable({"[g]mig28s"}),
        ref = 'USS Ranger',
        metric = false,
        text ="BRA from da Bulls: ",
        displayTime = 30,
        msgFor = {units = {'tomcat1'}}
Same as msgBR however it defaults altitude to true and is based off the reference point of a specific unit.
Related Functions
messageAdd, removeById, remove , msgMGRS, msgLL, msgBR, msgBRA, msgBullseye, msgLeadingLL, msgLeadingMGRS, msgLeadingBR

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