The country enumerator contains 3 nested tables within. id, name, and names. These tables are formatted in the following manner with indexes corresponding to their constant values.
country = {
id = {
['RUSSIA'] = 0,
['UKRAINE'] = 1,
['USA'] = 2,
name = {
[0] = 'RUSSIA',
[1] = 'UKRAINE',
[2] = 'USA',
names = {
[0] = 'RUSSIA',
[1] = 'UKRAINE',
[2] = 'USA',
Yes index 14 doesn't exist. No you aren't crazy. No I don't know what happened to it. Some say it has been missing since Lock-on.
DCS 1.5 has doubled the list of countries available, not all countries are populated with assets yet.
Countries 48-65 were added at or around 1.5.4/2.0.4.
DCS 2.1 added 4 countries (66-69) associated with the World War 2 setting.
DCS 2.5 added 70-74