In addition to interfacing with the avionics using the pushbuttons (PBs) on the DDIs and MPCD, the F/A-18 features a hands on throttle and stick (HOTAS) control setup. These controls allow the pilot to manipulate various important functions without taking the hands off the throttle or the control stick. There are also some functions only available through the HOTAS.
This section will describe general HOTAS usage. Consult the appropriate sections for detailed descriptions of individual HOTAS functions with specific systems.
- Exterior Lights Switch - This switch serves as a master off switch for the exterior lights with the exception of the landing/taxi light. In the aft position, all exterior lights are turned off. In the forward position, all exterior lights respond to their associated knobs on the left console.
- RAID Switch - The RAID switch performs various functions. Normally, it commands the Radar in and out of RAID mode if already in TWS or STT. From TWS it commands SCAN RAID and from STT it commands STT RAID. When the TDC is assigned to the FLIR format, it cycles between wide (WFOV), medium (MFOV), and narrow (NAR) fields of view (FOVs). When the HARM missile is selected in the SMS, it cycles Self Protect (SP) or Target of Opportunity (TOO) mode targets. When the infrared Maverick is selected in the SMS, it switches between wide and narrow seeker fields of view.
- ATC Switch - The ATC switch toggles the automatic throttle control (ATC) or "autothrottle" function, which automatically moves the throttle levers to maintain a speed. With the flaps set to AUTO, it toggles cruise ATC mode. With the flaps set to HALF or FULL, it toggles powered approach ATC mode. Refer to Automatic Throttle Control for details on these modes.
- Throttle Designator Controller (TDC) - The TDC switch on the throttle is used for a wide variety of slewing functions analogous to a mouse cursor. The TDC must be assigned to a format on either the LDDI, RDDI, or MPCD to manipulate it using the Sensor Control ("Castle") on the stick. Refer to Control Stick. Once the TDC is assigned to a format, a diamond is displayed in the upper-right corner and it can then be used to manipulate that format. On the Radar/Attack format, for example, the TDC slews the cursor which is used for a variety of functions such as target selection and scan centering; on the FLIR format, it physically points the FLIR and performs designation.
In A/G and NAV master mode, the TDC can also be assigned to the HUD/HMD. It can then be used to create and/or slew an A/G target designation. When assigned to the HUD or HMD, a dot is placed in the center of the velocity vector or HMD dynamic aiming cross respectively. The TDC is assigned to either the HUD or HMD (not both), but the switching is automatic such that whenever the head is pointed away from the automatic blanking zone (i.e. not at the HUD or inside the cockpit), the TDC is assigned to the HMD. Otherwise (i.e. when looking at the HUD or inside the cockpit), it is assigned to the HUD. Note that the Sensor Control switch only has to be pressed forward once and then the TDC will always be swapped between the HUD/HMD automatically. - Cage/Uncage Switch - The Cage/Uncage switch performs numerous functions. In NAV master mode, it toggles the velocity vector on the HUD between caged operation, where a centered velocity vector and a "true" velocity vector is displayed, and uncaged operation, where a single true velocity vector is displayed. When the AIM-9 missile is selected it commands the seeker to independently track. With the AMRAAM missile it toggles between Boresight Visual and Command Inertial Active launch modes. With the Sparrow it toggles the lofted trajectory flight mode. With TDC assigned to the A/G FLIR format it toggles Laser Spot Tracker (LST) operation. With the HARM missile selected and in TOO mode it commands the selected target to be handed off to the HARM missile for launch. With the Maverick missile selected it cages and uncages the seeker.
- Communications Switch - This four-way switch serves as a push to talk (PTT) button for all four voice radios the F/A-18 can communicate on. Forward and aft transmit on the COMM1 and COMM2 radios, while up and down transmit on the MIDS voice A and voice B radios.
- Countermeasures Switch - The Countermeasures switch controls the Countermeasure Dispense System (CMDS). Its function depends on the CMDS mode. Except in BYPASS, the forward position always commands countermeasure program 5. In BYPASS, the forward position releases one chaff bundle and the aft position releases one flare. In S/A (semi-auto), the aft position gives consent to dispense the automatically selected program. In AUTO, the aft position has no function. Note that in both S/A and AUTO the forward position releases program 5.
Control Stick
- Sensor Control Switch - The Sensor Control switch on the flight control stick, commonly termed the Castle switch due to its shape resembling a castle, is used for various functions. Primarily, the purpose of the Sensor Control switch is to assign the Throttle Designator Controller (TDC) switch to formats to define what is manipulated by the TDC. Once the TDC is assigned to a format, however, the Sensor Control switch can perform further functions with subsequent actuations toward that format. For example, with the TDC already assigned to the A/A Attack format, a subsequent bump toward the Attack format commands the Radar into track on the target under the cursor.
The left, right, and aft switch positions assign the TDC to the LDDI, RDDI, and MPCD in all master modes. When the format on a given display cannot accept TDC assignment (e.g. Tactical Menu format, FPAS format) and the Sensor Control switch is pressed toward it, it automatically invokes a format on that display. On the LDDI, in A/A master mode only, the Sensor Control switch invokes the Az/El format. On the RDDI, the Sensor Control switch invokes the Radar/Attack format in the last A/A or A/G Radar mode selected. On the MPCD, it invokes the HSI format. With the TDC assigned to the HSI format or the SA format, on any display, the Sensor Control switch cycles the two formats when pressed toward them.
The forward position function is dependent on master mode:
In NAV and A/G master mode, it assigns the TDC to the HUD/HMD. The actual TDC assignment between the HUD versus the HMD occurs automatically at all times and does not require subsequent Sensor Control switch activations. Refer to Throttle for details.
In A/A master mode, the forward position of the Sensor Control switch enters the Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) condition, from which the close-range, visual Radar acquisition modes can be selected. Upon first Castling forward, the Radar enters Helmet Acquisition mode. It can then be used to select the other ACM modes: Long Range Helmet Acq, Wide Acq, and Vertical Acq. Refer to Air Combat Maneuvering Modes. The Undesignate button will exit the ACM condition and return to normal "top level" Sensor Control switch functionality. Note that when the A/A Gun is selected the ACM condition cannot be exited and so the Sensor Control switch is always configured for ACM functionality when the Gun is selected. - A/A Weapon Select Switch - The Weapon Select Switch is used to select the A/A missiles and the A/A Gun. Selecting any A/A weapon with the switch also automatically enters A/A master mode, initializes the A/A Radar/Attack format on the RDDI, and the Stores format on the LDDI. If the Gun is selected it also enters the Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) condition and commands the Radar into the Gun Acquisition mode. Subsequent actuations in the same direction after a weapon is selected will step through the different stations of that weapon that are loaded.
- Trim Switch - The Trim Switch commands pitch and roll trim to the Flight Control System (FCS).
- Undesignate/NWS Button - The Undesignate button is used to undesignate the A/G target designation in the NAV or A/G master modes. In A/A master mode, it actually performs a designation function by stepping the Launch & Steering (L&S) target designation through all ranked trackfiles. If a Secondary Designated Target (DT2) has been designated also, the Undesignate button instead swaps the L&S and DT2 designations. Also, when pressed twice within one second, it commands the FLIR in and out of the Velocity Vector Slaved (VVSLV) mode. With weight on wheels, it activates NWS and, when held, commands high gain NWS. If the wings are folded, each press/release instead toggles high gain NWS.
- Trigger - The trigger is used to fire all A/A weapons (missiles and Gun), the A/G Gun, and the Laser Target Designator/Ranger.
- A/G Weapon Release Button - The Weapon Release Button is used to release all A/G munitions other than the Gun.
The Hornet's throttle is located on the left console. It consists of two separate levers to control the left and right engines. An aft detent separates engine off/idle and a forward detent separates full military power/afterburner. The off detent has no range, but the afterburning detent has proportional control.
The throttle has the following HOTAS controls:
- Exterior Lights Switch: 2-position switch. The aft position turns off all external lights except the taxi/landing light. The forward position allows the lights to be controlled via the appropriate knobs on the left console.
- RAID/HARM Sequence/FLIR FOV Button: A multifunction button.
- A/A Radar - Commands either STT RAID mode from Single Target Track (STT) or SCAN RAID mode from Track While Scan. The RAID modes use narrow search patterns and a zoomed-in display to discriminate close-together Radar targets.
- AGM-88 HARM - Cycles through HARM targets for attack in the SP or TOO modes.
- AGM-65F Maverick - Toggles between narrow/wide seeker field of view.
- FLIR - Cycles through the wide/medium/narrow field of view settings. A long press (when held for more than 0.8 seconds) instead switches between infrared and television video.
- ATC Engage/Disengage: Toggles the automatic throttle control (ATC) function.
- Radar Elevation Control: A centering wheel that controls the Radar antenna elevation and FLIR zoom in/out.
- Throttle Designator Controller (TDC): A multifunction all direction analog switch with a depress function. The TDC is used for a wide range of "slewing" functions, analogous to a computer mouse. The TDC is assigned to a format for it to affect it, using the Sensor Control switch.
- Communications Switch: 4-position momentary switch that selects the radio being transmitted on. Forward and aft select the MIDS A and MIDS B voice radios, while up and down select the regular COMM1 and COMM2 radios.
- Cage/Uncage Button: A multifunction button:
- HUD - In NAV master mode, cages/uncages the velocity vector.
- AGM-65 Maverick - Cages/uncages the missile seeker.
- AGM-88 HARM - Commands emitter hand-off in TOO mode.
- FLIR - Toggles Laser Spot Tracker operation (LST).
- AIM-9 Sidewinder - When no L&S target exists, uncages the seeker, which commands it to independently track a heat source.
- AIM-120 AMRAAM - When an L&S target exists, the AMRAAM can be toggled between the Boresight Visual and Command Inertial Active launch modes.
- AIM-7 Sparrow - Toggles between Normal and Loft launch trajectories.
- Speedbrake Switch: 3-way switch controlling the speedbrake. The aft position is momentary and the middle and forward positions are permanent. Aft deploys and forward retracts the speedbrake.
- Dispense Switch: 3-position switch controlling countermeasures, depending on the CMDS mode. Both forward and aft positions are momentary.
Control Stick
The control stick is located in the center of the cockpit, mounted on the floor. Left and right proportionally command left/right roll to the flight control system (FCS). Forward and aft proportionally command down/up pitch to the FCS.
The stick has multiple switches as part of the HOTAS system:
- Trim Switch: 4-way hat switch. Up/down command pitch trim and left/right command roll trim to the FCS. When the autopilot is in CSS mode the switch commands small changes in pitch/roll.
- Sensor Control Switch: 4-way hat switch with a depress function used for a wide variety of functions. It is also known as the "Castle switch" due to its shape which resembles a castle.
- General - Assigns the TDC to HUD/HMD, LDDI, RDDI, and AMPCD.
- General - Invokes HSI format on the MPCD. Swaps the HSI/SA formats on any display.
- General - Invokes the Radar/Attack format on the RDDI.
- A/A - Invokes the Az/El format on the LDDI. Since the A/A FLIR and Stores formats are accessible via HOTAS through the Az/El format, the Sensor Control switch can indirectly select those A/A displays on the LDDI as well.
- A/A - Commands the Automatic Acquisition (AACQ) Radar function on the A/A Attack format.
- A/G - Commands and breaks track on the A/G Radar format.
- A/A - Commands/exits STT and cycles priority sensor between IFF/RDR and FLIR on the Az/El format.
- Radar - Selects Radar Air Combat Maneuvering modes.
- FLIR - Toggles pointing modes.
- IFF - Commands manual IFF pointed interrogation on the Attack, Az/El, and SA formats.
- Weapon Release Button: Button that releases the selected air-to-ground munition, except the gun.
- RECCE Event Mark Switch: Toggles blanking of the HMD. (Named after reconnaissance (RECCE) equipment, which the DCS Hornet isn't equipped with.)
- Trigger: In A/A master mode, fires the selected missile or the Gun. In A/G, fires the Gun when selected or activates the laser when manual lasing is selected.
- Weapon Select Switch: 3-way hat switch with a depress that selects A/A weapons (Gun/AMRAAM/Sidewinder/Sparrow). Selecting any A/A weapon automatically commands A/A master mode from A/G or NAV.
- NWS/Undesignate Button: A multifunction button:
- Weight on Wheels - Activates nosewheel steering (NWS) and toggles high-gain steering.
- A/A - Designates and cycles the Launch & Steering trackfile. If a Secondary Designated Target also exists, the button instead swaps the two designations.
- A/A - Exits Radar Single Target Track, FLOOD, SCAN RAID, Air Combat Maneuvering, and Spotlight modes.
- NAV & A/G - Undesignates the current A/G target designation. A rapid double press toggles the FLIR Velocity Vector Slaved (VVSLV) mode.
- Paddle Switch: Small lever that disengages the Automatic Flight Control System (autopilot), overrides the G-force limiter when held, and with weight on wheels disengages nosewheel steering.
Basic A/A Systems Operation
The following is a summary of operating the A/A Radar in a generic engagement. It is intended to give a basic generalized description of functions and modes to better understand the overall system.
The first phase of an engagement is often search. In the search phase, the pilot generally desires to surveil a large chunk of space to detect targets for an attack. The Range While Search (RWS) mode is optimized for this purpose. An unlimited scan volume is available (as large as 6 elevation bars / 140° azimuth) and it provides a mostly clean view of only raw Radar Return data, termed "hits" (green brick symbols).
Although the RWS Attack format provides a mostly decluttered view of raw hits, it also maintains Radar trackfiles even if they are not always displayed on the Attack format. In RWS, the pilot can view trackfiles in a few ways. A trackfile is almost always represented as a HAFU symbol. First, the Undesignate button can be used to create then cycle the Launch & Steering target designation (L&S) through all trackfiles. This displays the HAFU symbol on top of the associated raw hits. Second, the Latent TWS (LTWS) option on the DATA sublevel, which is by default selected, allows the pilot to view the trackfile associated with any raw hit by placing the cursor over it. The HAFU is displayed until the cursor is taken off. Third, the MSI option on the DATA sublevel (also default-selected) causes all trackfiles with Datalink contribution to be displayed constantly. The reason for this logic is that the RWS format would not otherwise display Datalink-only trackfiles with no Radar contribution, since they have no raw hits associated.
By using the Undesignate button as described or depressing the TDC with the cursor over a HAFU symbols, trackfiles can be designated as the Launch & Steering target (L&S) or Secondary Designated Target (DT2). or for any HAFU under the cursor if no DT2 exists, weapon launch zones are displayed in RWS. This cues the pilot as to the weapon potential against any target.
The other mode primarily intended for surveillance is Velocity Search (VS). VS does not create trackfiles and presents hits in a special azimuth over closure rage format. The advantage over VS is it realizes the maximum possible detection range of the Radar at the cost of poor target data (no range, therefore no altitude calculation, etc).
Once the target or targets of an attack are detected and identified, it is desired to more closely track them. This is generally done by way of the Track While Scan (TWS) mode or Single Target Track (STT). TWS can be entered via the mode option at PB5 using the pushbutton or slewing cursor. STT can be entered from RWS or TWS. The most common method is Fast Acquisition whereby the desired trackfile or hit is placed under the cursor and the Sensor Control switch is bumped toward the Attack format.
In TWS mode, the scan volume is limited to maintain a scan frame time of 3 seconds or less, resulting in a high trackfile refresh rate. Note that there is no difference in trackfile processing between RWS and TWS, but TWS provides better tools for attack. In TWS, hits can be displayed like in RWS, but all trackfile HAFU symbols are also always displayed. Unlike RWS, raw hits can be removed in TWS.
One TWS tool is AUTO scan centering, where the L&S and DT2 trackfiles are automatically maintained in the scan volume. The pilot retains the ability to "bias" the scan volume as desired while maintaining the L&S/DT2, or use MAN scan centering. TWS first defaults to MAN if entered from RWS or VS. AUTO is default when entering TWS from STT. A toggle is available at PB13.
STT is highly straightforward. The Radar is fully dedicated to tracking a single target. This results in the highest trackfile quality, especially important for weapon guidance, at the cost of the Radar not scanning any volume of space at all.
The main beyond visual range weapons available are the AIM-7 Sparrow and AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. The AIM-7 uses pulse Doppler illumination (PDI) guidance, where the Radar physically "paints" a target with a particular waveform. This guidance requires STT so the Sparrow can only be employed at one target at once and only in STT. The AMRAAM uses datalink guidance from the Radar for the majority of the missile's flight to the he target, which can be supplied in RWS, TWS, or STT. RWS is usually not used for AMRAAM guidance due to the previously mentioned advantages of TWS or STT, but it remains available. Note that an AMRAAM launch from RWS automatically commands TWS but RWS could be reselected if ultimately desired.
HAFU SYMBOLOGY RADAR upper hos amb frd unk
F/F lower hos amb frd unk
SURV full small hos amb frd unk
RADAR+F/F full small hos amb frd
PPLI full n/a n/a frd n/a
Priority is first given to PPLI HAFU symbology. Any PPLI trackfile is displayed as a full circle regardless of whether there is onboard contribution.
Non-PPLI Radar trackfiles are prioritized after and have an upper HAFU shape. If a Radar trackfile also has F/F and/or SURV contribution, a lower HAFU is displayed as well. Trackfiles with Radar contribution are also characterized by a rank number in the center of the HAFU.
A trackfile with either only F/F contribution or F/F and SURV contribution is displayed as a lower HAFU shape. There is no indication as to whether SURV is a contributor.
Trackfiles with only SURV contribution have the lowest symbology priority. SURV-only trackfiles are displayed as 3/4 size HAFUs with full diamond, circle, or rectangle shapes.
Commonly-used formats can be automatically selected without using the [TAC] or [SUPT] menu to ease pilot workload.
When A/A or A/G master mode is selected, the A/A Radar/Attack format or A/G Radar format is displayed on the RDDI. When either master mode is selected the Stores format is displayed on the LDDI.
Independent of master mode, when the Sensor Control switch is pressed right and the format on the RDDI cannot accept TDC assignment, the A/A Radar/Attack format or A/G Radar format is displayed on the RDDI, depending on which was last selected. However, in A/A master mode, only the A/A Attack format can be displayed.
In A/A master mode, when the Sensor Control switch is pressed left and the format on the LDDI cannot accept TDC assignment, the Azimuth/Elevation (Az/El) format is displayed.
On the Az/El format, the A/A FLIR and A/A Stores format can be displayed by selecting the "STORES DSPLY" or "FLIR DSPLY" label at PB4 with the cursor. When IFF/RDR is the priority Az/El sensor, PB4 invokes the Stores format. When the FLIR is the priority Az/El sensor, it invokes the FLIR format. The priority sensor is cycled when the Sensor Control switch is bumped toward the Az/El with the cursor outside the tactical region. Note that the cursor is initialized over the STORES/FLIR DSPLY label, which is also outside the tactical region, allowing for immediate selection of the Stores or FLIR format and/or sensor cycling between IFF/RDR and FLIR.
Independent of master mode, when the Sensor Control switch is pressed aft and the format currently on the MPCD cannot accept TDC assignment, the HSI format is displayed on the MPCD. On any display, when the Sensor Control switch is bumped toward the HSI or SA formats after the TDC is already assigned to the format, the HSI and SA formats are cycled (e.g. HSI, SA, HSI).