RADAR upper hos amb frd unk
F/F lower hos amb frd unk
SURV full small hos amb frd unk
RADAR+F/F full small hos amb frd RADAR+SURV
PPLI full n/a n/a frd n/a
Priority is first given to PPLI HAFU symbology. Any PPLI trackfile is displayed as a full circle regardless of whether there is onboard contribution.
Non-PPLI Radar trackfiles are prioritized after and have an upper HAFU shape. If a Radar trackfile also has F/F and/or SURV contribution, a lower HAFU is displayed as well.
A trackfile with either only F/F contribution or F/F and SURV contribution is displayed as a lower HAFU shape. There is no indication as to whether SURV is a contributor.
Trackfiles with only SURV contribution have the lowest symbology priority. SURV-only trackfiles are displayed as 3/4 size HAFUs with full diamond, circle, or rectangle shapes.