DCS export
DCS allows for the export of data within the game world to be used by a wide variety of applications. Example include tacview, simple radio, and physical cockpits.
DCS supplies LuaSocket 2.0 Beta files in the Scripts\LuaSocket folder and in the DCS installation folder. You can use LuaSocket to establish standard network connection between the Export.lua script and your local or remote program. Look into the Scripts\LuaSocket folder and find Listener.lua and Talker.lua files. You can use them as stand alone examples for Lua script networking.
At the top of Export.lua, there's some comments about it's use
-- Data export scripts -- Copyright (C) 2004, Eagle Dynamics. -- … The Lua language use two sequential dashes "--" to start the single-line comment to the end of line. If you need to comment several lines then use "--" and "--" brackets: -- Uncomment this function to enable data export! --[[ function LuaExportStart() -- Works once just before mission start. -- Make initializations of your files or connections here. -- For example: -- 1) File -- local file = io.open("./Temp/Export.log", "w") -- if file then -- io.output(file) -- end -- 2) Socket -- dofile "lua.lua" -- socket = require("socket") -- host = host or "localhost" -- port = port or 8080 -- c = socket.try(socket.connect(host, port)) -- connect to the listener socket -- c:setoption("tcp-nodelay",true) -- set immediate transmission mode end --]]
DCS activates the Config\Export\Export.lua script at every mission start. You need to uncomment the function LuaExportStart to activate it and to activate all other functions. For that add the single "-" just before "--[[" opening multi-line comment to convert it to the single-line comment "---[[". So the closing multi-line comment bracket without opening one becomes the single-line comment too. If you want to disable exporting features then remove additional third dash to make the comment multi-line again.
DCS also prints to the Error.log file all other Lua error messages for the Export.lua script.
LuaExportStart and LuaExportStop
DCS calls script functions for every mission simulation. It calls the LuaExportStart function just before mission start to make user script initializations. For example, to open a log file:
local file = io.open("./Temp/Export.log", "w") if file then io.output(file) end
or to establish a network connection:
dofile "lua.lua" socket = require("socket") host = host or "localhost" port = port or 8080 c = socket.try(socket.connect(host, port)) -- connect to the listener socket c:setoption("tcp-nodelay",true) -- set immediate transmission mode
DCS calls the LuaExportStop function just after mission quit to make user finishing actions. For example, to close the log file:
io.close() or to unlink the network connection: socket.try(c:send("quit")) -- to close the listener socket c:close()
DCS calls the function LuaExportBeforeNextFrame just before every simulation frame. So if you want to set some input control commands then you can do it here. For example:
LoSetCommand(3, 0.25) -- rudder 0.25 right LoSetCommand(64) -- increase thrust
There are discrete and analogous input control commands. The discrete command has code only:
LoSetCommand(64) -- increase thrust
The analogous command has code and value:
LoSetCommand(3, 0.25) -- rudder 0.25 right
When playing the game in single player every command is available, however in multiplayer there are options to disable specific settings as desired by the server creator. There are three options as defined by the following:
Allows for all objects to be accessible. For example this is how tacview knows and returns where every single object in the game is at.
LoGetObjectById LoGetWorldObjects
Exports sensor data from your aircraft.
LoGetTWSInfo LoGetTargetInformation LoGetLockedTargetInformation LoGetF15_TWS_Contacts LoGetSightingSystemInfo LoGetWingTargets
Exports data about your own aircraft. For example simple radio uses one of these to get the players current location and radio information.
LoGetPlayerPlaneId LoGetIndicatedAirSpeed LoGetAngleOfAttack LoGetAngleOfSideSlip LoGetAccelerationUnits LoGetVerticalVelocity LoGetADIPitchBankYaw LoGetTrueAirSpeed LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel LoGetAltitudeAboveGroundLevel LoGetMachNumber LoGetRadarAltimeter LoGetMagneticYaw LoGetGlideDeviation LoGetSideDeviation LoGetSlipBallPosition LoGetBasicAtmospherePressure LoGetControlPanel_HSI LoGetEngineInfo LoGetSelfData LoGetCameraPosition LoSetCameraPosition LoSetCommand LoGetMCPState LoGetRoute LoGetNavigationInfo LoGetPayloadInfo LoGetWingInfo LoGetMechInfo LoGetRadioBeaconsStatus LoGetVectorVelocity LoGetVectorWindVelocity LoGetSnares LoGetAngularVelocity LoGetHeightWithObjects LoGetFMData
LoGetPilotName LoGetAltitude LoGetNameByType LoGeoCoordinatesToLoCoordinates LoCoordinatesToGeoCoordinates LoGetVersionInfo LoGetWindAtPoint LoGetModelTime LoGetMissionStartTime