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Below is the source for the script responsible for exporting simulation information to the outside world. There's a lot of documentation and examples on how to use it within.

--- DO NOT EDIT. --- This file is for reference purposes only --- All user modifications should go to $HOME\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Export.lua

-- Data export script for DCS, version 1.2. -- Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Eagle Dynamics. -- See http://www.lua.org for Lua script system info -- We recommend to use the LuaSocket addon (http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/luasocket) -- to use standard network protocols in Lua scripts. -- LuaSocket 2.0 files (*.dll and *.lua) are supplied in the Scripts/LuaSocket folder -- and in the installation folder of the DCS.

-- Expand the functionality of following functions for your external application needs. -- Look into Saved Games\DCS\Logs\dcs.log for this script errors, please.

--[[ -- Uncomment if using Vector class from the Scripts\Vector.lua file local lfs = require('lfs') LUA_PATH = "?;?.lua;"..lfs.currentdir().."/Scripts/?.lua" require 'Vector' -- See the Scripts\Vector.lua file for Vector class details, please. --]]

local default_output_file = nil

function LuaExportStart() -- Works once just before mission start. -- Make initializations of your files or connections here. -- For example: -- 1) File -- default_output_file = io.open(lfs.writedir().."/Logs/Export.log", "w") -- 2) Socket -- package.path = package.path..";"..lfs.currentdir().."/LuaSocket/?.lua" -- package.cpath = package.cpath..";"..lfs.currentdir().."/LuaSocket/?.dll" -- socket = require("socket") -- host = host or "localhost" -- port = port or 8080 -- c = socket.try(socket.connect(host, port)) -- connect to the listener socket -- c:setoption("tcp-nodelay",true) -- set immediate transmission mode -- -- local version = LoGetVersionInfo() --request current version info (as it showed by Windows Explorer fo DCS.exe properties) -- if version and default_output_file then -- -- default_output_file:write("ProductName: "..version.ProductName..'\n') -- default_output_file:write(string.format("FileVersion: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", -- version.FileVersion[1], -- version.FileVersion[2], -- version.FileVersion[3], -- version.FileVersion[4])) -- default_output_file:write(string.format("ProductVersion: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", -- version.ProductVersion[1], -- version.ProductVersion[2], -- version.ProductVersion[3], -- head revision (Continuously growth) -- version.ProductVersion[4])) -- build number (Continuously growth) -- end


function LuaExportBeforeNextFrame() -- Works just before every simulation frame.

-- Call Lo*() functions to set data to Lock On here -- For example: -- LoSetCommand(3, 0.25) -- rudder 0.25 right -- LoSetCommand(64) -- increase thrust


function LuaExportAfterNextFrame() -- Works just after every simulation frame.

-- Call Lo*() functions to get data from Lock On here. -- For example: -- local t = LoGetModelTime() -- local name = LoGetPilotName() -- local altBar = LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel() -- local altRad = LoGetAltitudeAboveGroundLevel() -- local pitch, bank, yaw = LoGetADIPitchBankYaw() -- local engine = LoGetEngineInfo() -- local HSI = LoGetControlPanel_HSI() -- Then send data to your file or to your receiving program: -- 1) File -- if default_output_file then -- default_output_file:write(string.format("t = %.2f, name = %s, altBar = %.2f, altRad = %.2f, pitch = %.2f, bank = %.2f, yaw = %.2f\n", t, name, altBar, altRad, 57.3*pitch, 57.3*bank, 57.3*yaw)) -- default_output_file:write(string.format("t = %.2f ,RPM left = %f fuel_internal = %f \n",t,engine.RPM.left,engine.fuel_internal)) -- default_output_file:write(string.format("ADF = %f RMI = %f\n ",57.3*HSI.ADF,57.3*HSI.RMI)) -- end -- 2) Socket -- socket.try(c:send(string.format("t = %.2f, name = %s, altBar = %.2f, alrRad = %.2f, pitch = %.2f, bank = %.2f, yaw = %.2f\n", t, name, altRad, altBar, pitch, bank, yaw)))


function LuaExportStop() -- Works once just after mission stop. -- Close files and/or connections here. -- 1) File if default_output_file then default_output_file:close() default_output_file = nil end -- 2) Socket -- socket.try(c:send("quit")) -- to close the listener socket -- c:close() end

function LuaExportActivityNextEvent(t) local tNext = t

-- Put your event code here and increase tNext for the next event -- so this function will be called automatically at your custom -- model times. -- If tNext == t then the activity will be terminated.

-- For example: -- 1) File -- if default_output_file then -- local o = LoGetWorldObjects() -- for k,v in pairs(o) do -- default_output_file:write(string.format("t = %.2f, ID = %d, name = %s, country = %s(%s), LatLongAlt = (%f, %f, %f), heading = %f\n", t, k, v.Name, v.Country, v.Coalition, v.LatLongAlt.Lat, v.LatLongAlt.Long, v.LatLongAlt.Alt, v.Heading)) -- end -- local trg = LoGetLockedTargetInformation() -- default_output_file:write(string.format("locked targets ,time = %.2f\n",t)) -- for i,cur in pairs(trg) do -- default_output_file:write(string.format("ID = %d, position = (%f,%f,%f) , V = (%f,%f,%f),flags = 0x%x\n",cur.ID,cur.position.p.x,cur.position.p.y,cur.position.p.z,cur.velocity.x,cur.velocity.y,cur.velocity.z,cur.flags)) -- end -- local route = LoGetRoute() -- default_output_file:write(string.format("t = %f\n",t)) -- if route then -- default_output_file:write(string.format("Goto_point :\n point_num = %d ,wpt_pos = (%f, %f ,%f) ,next %d\n",route.goto_point.this_point_num,route.goto_point.world_point.x,route.goto_point.world_point.y,route.goto_point.world_point.z,route.goto_point.next_point_num)) -- default_output_file:write(string.format("Route points:\n")) -- for num,wpt in pairs(route.route) do -- default_output_file:write(string.format("point_num = %d ,wpt_pos = (%f, %f ,%f) ,next %d\n",wpt.this_point_num,wpt.world_point.x,wpt.world_point.y,wpt.world_point.z,wpt.next_point_num)) -- end -- end

-- local stations = LoGetPayloadInfo() -- if stations then -- default_output_file:write(string.format("Current = %d \n",stations.CurrentStation))

-- for i_st,st in pairs (stations.Stations) do -- local name = LoGetNameByType(st.weapon.level1,st.weapon.level2,st.weapon.level3,st.weapon.level4); -- if name then -- default_output_file:write(string.format("weapon = %s ,count = %d \n",name,st.count)) -- else -- default_output_file:write(string.format("weapon = {%d,%d,%d,%d} ,count = %d \n", st.weapon.level1,st.weapon.level2,st.weapon.level3,st.weapon.level4,st.count)) -- end -- end -- end

-- local Nav = LoGetNavigationInfo() -- if Nav then -- default_output_file:write(string.format("%s ,%s ,ACS: %s\n",Nav.SystemMode.master,Nav.SystemMode.submode,Nav.ACS.mode)) -- default_output_file:write(string.format("Requirements :\n\t roll %d\n\t pitch %d\n\t speed %d\n",Nav.Requirements.roll,Nav.Requirements.pitch,Nav.Requirements.speed)) -- end -- end

-- tNext = tNext + 1.0 -- 2) Socket -- local o = LoGetWorldObjects() -- for k,v in pairs(o) do -- socket.try(c:send(string.format("t = %.2f, ID = %d, name = %s, country = %s(%s), LatLongAlt = (%f, %f, %f), heading = %f\n", t, k, v.Name, v.Country, v.Coalition, v.LatLongAlt.x, v.LatLongAlt.Long, v.LatLongAlt.Alt, v.Heading))) -- end -- tNext = tNext + 1.0

return tNext end


-- Lock On supports Lua coroutines using internal LoCreateCoroutineActivity() and -- external CoroutineResume() functions. Here is an example of using scripted coroutine.

Coroutines = {} -- global coroutines table CoroutineIndex = 0 -- global last created coroutine index

-- This function will be called by Lock On model timer for every coroutine to resume it function CoroutineResume(index, tCurrent) -- Resume coroutine and give it current model time value coroutine.resume(Coroutines[index], tCurrent) return coroutine.status(Coroutines[index]) ~= "dead" -- If status == "dead" then Lock On activity for this coroutine dies too end

-- Coroutine function example using coroutine.yield() to suspend function f(t) local tNext = t local file = io.open("./Temp/Coroutine.log", "w") file:write(string.format("t = %f, started\n", tNext)) tNext = coroutine.yield() for i = 1,10 do file:write(string.format("t = %f, continued\n", tNext)) tNext = coroutine.yield() end file:write(string.format("t = %f, finished\n", tNext)) file:close() end

-- Create your coroutines and save them in Coriutines table, e.g.: CoroutineIndex = CoroutineIndex + 1 Coroutines[CoroutineIndex] = coroutine.create(f)

-- Use LoCreateCoroutineActivity(index, tStart, tPeriod) to plan your coroutines -- activity at model times, e.g.: LoCreateCoroutineActivity(CoroutineIndex, 1.0, 3.0) -- to start at 1.0 second with 3.0 seconds period -- Coroutine output in the Coroutine.log file: -- t = 1.000000, started -- t = 4.000000, continued -- t = 7.000000, continued -- t = 10.000000, continued -- t = 13.000000, continued -- t = 16.000000, continued -- t = 19.000000, continued -- t = 22.000000, continued -- t = 25.000000, continued -- t = 28.000000, continued -- t = 31.000000, continued -- t = 34.000000, finished --]]

--[[ You can use registered Lock On internal data exporting functions in this script and in your scripts called from this script.

Note: following functions are implemented for exporting technology experiments only, so they may be changed or removed in the future by developers.

All returned values are Lua numbers if not pointed other type.

Output: LoIsObjectExportAllowed() -- returns true if world objects data is available LoIsSensorExportAllowed() -- returns true if radar/targets data is available LoIsOwnshipExportAllowed() -- true if ownship data is available

LoGetModelTime() -- returns current model time (args - 0, results - 1 (sec)) LoGetMissionStartTime() -- returns mission start time (args - 0, results - 1 (sec)) LoGetPilotName() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (text string)) LoGetPlayerPlaneId() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (number)) LoGetIndicatedAirSpeed() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (m/s)) LoGetTrueAirSpeed() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (m/s)) LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (meters)) LoGetAltitudeAboveGroundLevel() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (meterst)) LoGetAngleOfAttack() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (rad)) LoGetAccelerationUnits() -- (args - 0, results - table {x = Nx,y = NY,z = NZ} 1 (G)) LoGetVerticalVelocity() -- (args - 0, results - 1(m/s)) LoGetMachNumber() -- (args - 0, results - 1) LoGetADIPitchBankYaw() -- (args - 0, results - 3 (rad)) LoGetMagneticYaw() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (rad) LoGetGlideDeviation() -- (args - 0,results - 1)( -1 < result < 1) LoGetSideDeviation() -- (args - 0,results - 1)( -1 < result < 1) LoGetSlipBallPosition() -- (args - 0,results - 1)( -1 < result < 1) LoGetBasicAtmospherePressure() -- (args - 0,results - 1) (mm hg) LoGetControlPanel_HSI() -- (args - 0,results - table) result = { ADF_raw, (rad) RMI_raw, (rad) Heading_raw, (rad) HeadingPointer, (rad) Course, (rad) BearingPointer, (rad) CourseDeviation, (rad) } LoGetEngineInfo() -- (args - 0 ,results = table) engineinfo = { RPM = {left, right},(%) Temperature = { left, right}, (Celcium degrees) HydraulicPressure = {left ,right},kg per square centimeter FuelConsumption = {left ,right},kg per sec fuel_internal -- fuel quantity internal tanks kg fuel_external -- fuel quantity external tanks kg


LoGetRoute() -- (args - 0,results = table) get_route_result = { goto_point, -- next waypoint route -- all waypoints of route (or approach route if arrival or landing) } waypoint_table = { this_point_num, -- number of point ( >= 0) world_point = {x,y,z}, -- world position in meters speed_req, -- speed at point m/s estimated_time, -- sec next_point_num, -- if -1 that's the end of route point_action -- name of action "ATTACKPOINT","TURNPOINT","LANDING","TAKEOFF" } LoGetNavigationInfo() (args - 0,results - 1( table )) -- information about ACS get_navigation_info_result = { SystemMode = {master,submode}, -- (string,string) current mode and submode --[=[ master values (depend of plane type) "NAV" -- navigation "BVR" -- beyond visual range AA mode "CAC" -- close air combat "LNG" -- longitudinal mode "A2G" -- air to ground "OFF" -- mode is absent submode values (depend of plane type and master mode) "NAV" submodes { "ROUTE" "ARRIVAL" "LANDING" "OFF" } "BVR" submodes { "GUN" -- Gunmode "RWS" -- RangeWhileSearch "TWS" -- TrackWhileSearch "STT" -- SingleTrackTarget (Attack submode) "OFF" } "CAC" submodes { "GUN" "VERTICAL_SCAN" "BORE" "HELMET" "STT" "OFF" } "LNG" submodes { "GUN" "OFF" "FLOOD" -- F-15 only } "A2G" submodes { "GUN" "ETS" -- Emitter Targeting System On "PINPOINT" "UNGUIDED" -- unguided weapon (free fall bombs, dispensers , rockets) "OFF" } --]=] Requirements = -- required parameters of flight { roll, -- required roll,pitch.. , etc. pitch, speed, vertical_speed, altitude, } ACS = -- current state of the Automatic Control System { mode = string , --[=[ mode values are : "FOLLOW_ROUTE", "BARO_HOLD", "RADIO_HOLD", "BARO_ROLL_HOLD", "HORIZON_HOLD", "PITCH_BANK_HOLD", "OFF" --]=] autothrust , -- 1(true) if autothrust mode is on or 0(false) when not; } } LoGetMCPState() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (table of key(string).value(boolean)) returned table keys for LoGetMCPState(): "LeftEngineFailure" "RightEngineFailure" "HydraulicsFailure" "ACSFailure" "AutopilotFailure" "AutopilotOn" "MasterWarning" "LeftTailPlaneFailure" "RightTailPlaneFailure" "LeftAileronFailure" "RightAileronFailure" "CanopyOpen" "CannonFailure" "StallSignalization" "LeftMainPumpFailure" "RightMainPumpFailure" "LeftWingPumpFailure" "RightWingPumpFailure" "RadarFailure" "EOSFailure" "MLWSFailure" "RWSFailure" "ECMFailure" "GearFailure" "MFDFailure" "HUDFailure" "HelmetFailure" "FuelTankDamage" LoGetObjectById() -- (args - 1 (number), results - 1 (table)) Returned object table structure: { Name = Type = {level1,level2,level3,level4}, ( see Scripts/database/wsTypes.lua) Subtype is absent now Country = number ( see Scripts/database/db_countries.lua Coalition = CoalitionID = number ( 1 or 2 ) LatLongAlt = { Lat = , Long = , Alt = } Heading = radians Pitch = radians Bank = radians Position = {x,y,z} -- in internal DCS coordinate system ( see convertion routnes below) -- only for units ( Planes,Hellicopters,Tanks etc) UnitName = unit name from mission (UTF8) GroupName = unit name from mission (UTF8) Flags = { RadarActive = true if the unit has its radar on Human = true if the unit is human-controlled Jamming = true if the unit uses EMI jamming IRJamming = -- same for IR jamming Born = true if the unit is born (activated) AI_ON = true if the unit's AI is active Invisible = true if the unit is invisible Static - true if the unit is a static object } }

LoGetWorldObjects() -- (args - 0- 1, results - 1 (table of object tables)) arg can be "units" (default) "ballistic" - for different type of unguided munition ()bombs,shells,rockets) "airdromes" - to get airdrome objects Returned table index = object identificator Returned object table structure (see LoGetObjectById())

LoGetSelfData return the same result as LoGetObjectById but only for your aircraft and not depended on anti-cheat setting in Export/Config.lua

LoGetAltitude(x, z) -- (args - 2 : meters, results - 1 : altitude above terrain surface, meters)

LoGetCameraPosition() -- (args - 0, results - 1 : view camera current position table: { x = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation x-vector y = (x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation y-vector z = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation z-vector p = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...} -- point vector } all coordinates are in meters. You can use Vector class for position vectors.

-- Weapon Control System LoGetNameByType () -- args 4 (number : level1,level2,level3,level4), result string

LoGetTargetInformation() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (table of current targets tables)) LoGetLockedTargetInformation() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (table of current locked targets tables)) this functions return the table of the next target data target = { ID , -- world ID (may be 0 ,when ground point track) type = {level1,level2,level3,level4}, -- world database classification country = , -- object country position = {x = {x,y,z}, -- orientation X ort y = {x,y,z}, -- orientation Y ort z = {x,y,z}, -- orientation Z ort p = {x,y,z}} -- position of the center velocity = {x,y,z}, -- world velocity vector m/s distance = , -- distance in meters convergence_velocity = , -- closing speed in m/s mach = , -- M number delta_psi = , -- aspect angle rad fim = , -- viewing angle horizontal (in your body axis) rad fin = , -- viewing angle vertical (in your body axis) rad flags = , -- field with constants detemining method of the tracking -- whTargetRadarView = 0x0002; -- Radar review (BVR) -- whTargetEOSView = 0x0004; -- EOS review (BVR) -- whTargetRadarLock = 0x0008; -- Radar lock (STT) == whStaticObjectLock (pinpoint) (static objects,buildings lock) -- whTargetEOSLock = 0x0010; -- EOS lock (STT) == whWorldObjectLock (pinpoint) (ground units lock) -- whTargetRadarTrack = 0x0020; -- Radar lock (TWS) -- whTargetEOSTrack = 0x0040; -- Radar lock (TWS) == whImpactPointTrack (pinpoint) (ground point track) -- whTargetNetHumanPlane = 0x0200; -- net HumanPlane -- whTargetAutoLockOn = 0x0400; -- EasyRadar autolockon -- whTargetLockOnJammer = 0x0800; -- HOJ mode

reflection = , -- target cross section square meters course = , -- target course rad isjamming = , -- target ECM on or not start_of_lock = , -- time of the beginning of lock forces = { x,y,z}, -- vector of the acceleration units updates_number = , -- number of the radar updates

jammer_burned = true/false -- indicates that jammer are burned } LoGetSightingSystemInfo() -- sight system info { Manufacturer = "RUS"/"USA" LaunchAuthorized = true/false ScanZone = { position { azimuth elevation if Manufacturer == "RUS" then distance_manual exceeding_manual end } coverage_H { min max } size { azimuth elevation } } scale { distance azimuth } TDC { x y }

radar_on = true/false optical_system_on= true/false ECM_on= true/false laser_on= true/false

PRF = { current , -- current PRF value ( changed in ILV mode ) , values are "MED" or "HI" selection , -- selection value can be "MED" "HI" or "ILV" }

} LoGetTWSInfo() -- return Threat Warning System status (result the table ) result_of_LoGetTWSInfo = { Mode = , -- current mode (0 - all ,1 - lock only,2 - launch only Emitters = {table of emitters} } emitter_table = { ID =, -- world ID Type = {level1,level2,level3,level4}, -- world database classification of emitter Power =, -- power of signal Azimuth =, Priority =,-- priority of emitter (int) SignalType =, -- string with vlues: "scan" ,"lock", "missile_radio_guided","track_while_scan"; } LoGetPayloadInfo() -- return weapon stations result_of_LoGetPayloadInfo { CurrentStation = , -- number of current station (0 if no station selected) Stations = {},-- table of stations Cannon = { shells -- current shells count } } station { container = true/false , -- is station container weapon = {level1,level2,level3,level4} , -- world database classification of weapon count = , } LoGetMechInfo() -- mechanization info result_is = { gear = {status,value,main = {left = {rod},right = {rod},nose = {rod}}} flaps = {status,value} speedbrakes = {status,value} refuelingboom = {status,value} airintake = {status,value} noseflap = {status,value} parachute = {status,value} wheelbrakes = {status,value} hook = {status,value} wing = {status,value} canopy = {status,value} controlsurfaces = {elevator = {left,right},eleron = {left,right},rudder = {left,right}} -- relative vlues (-1,1) (min /max) (sorry:( }

LoGetRadioBeaconsStatus() -- beacons lock { airfield_near , airfield_far, course_deviation_beacon_lock , glideslope_deviation_beacon_lock }

LoGetWingInfo() -- your wingmens info result is vector of wingmens with value: wingmen_is = { wingmen_id -- world id of wingmen wingmen_position -- world position {x = {x,y,z}, -- orientation X ort y = {x,y,z}, -- orientation Y ort z = {x,y,z}, -- orientation Z ort p = {x,y,z}} -- position of the center current_target -- world id of target ordered_target -- world id of target current_task -- name of task ordered_task -- name of task --[=[ name can be : "NOTHING" "ROUTE" "DEPARTURE" "ARRIVAL" "REFUELING" "SOS" -- Save Soul of your Wingmen :) "ROUTE" "INTERCEPT" "PATROL" "AIR_ATTACK" "REFUELING" "AWACS" "RECON" "ESCORT" "PINPOINT" "CAS" "MISSILE_EVASION" "ENEMY_EVASION" "SEAD" "ANTISHIP" "RUNWAY_ATTACK" "TRANSPORT" "LANDING" "TAKEOFF" "TAXIING" --]=]


Coordinates convertion : {x,y,z} = LoGeoCoordinatesToLoCoordinates(longitude_degrees,latitude_degrees) {latitude,longitude} = LoLoCoordinatesToGeoCoordinates(x,z);

LoGetVectorVelocity = {x,y,z} -- vector of self velocity (world axis) LoGetAngularVelocity = {x,y,z} -- angular velocity euler angles , rad per sec LoGetVectorWindVelocity = {x,y,z} -- vector of wind velocity (world axis) LoGetWingTargets = table of {x,y,z} LoGetSnares = {chaff,flare} Input: LoSetCameraPosition(pos) -- (args - 1: view camera current position table, results - 0) pos table structure: { x = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation x-vector y = (x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation y-vector z = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...}, -- orientation z-vector p = {x = ..., y = ..., z = ...} -- point vector } all coordinates are in meters. You can use Vector class for position vectors.

LoSetCommand(command, value) -- (args - 2, results - 0) -1.0 <= value <= 1.0

Some analogous joystick/mouse input commands: command = 2001 - joystick pitch command = 2002 - joystick roll command = 2003 - joystick rudder -- Thrust values are inverted for some internal reasons, sorry. command = 2004 - joystick thrust (both engines) command = 2005 - joystick left engine thrust command = 2006 - joystick right engine thrust command = 2007 - mouse camera rotate left/right command = 2008 - mouse camera rotate up/down command = 2009 - mouse camera zoom command = 2010 - joystick camera rotate left/right command = 2011 - joystick camera rotate up/down command = 2012 - joystick camera zoom command = 2013 - mouse pitch command = 2014 - mouse roll command = 2015 - mouse rudder -- Thrust values are inverted for some internal reasons, sorry. command = 2016 - mouse thrust (both engines) command = 2017 - mouse left engine thrust command = 2018 - mouse right engine thrust command = 2019 - mouse trim pitch command = 2020 - mouse trim roll command = 2021 - mouse trim rudder command = 2022 - joystick trim pitch command = 2023 - joystick trim roll command = 2024 - trim rudder command = 2025 - mouse rotate radar antenna left/right command = 2026 - mouse rotate radar antenna up/down command = 2027 - joystick rotate radar antenna left/right command = 2028 - joystick rotate radar antenna up/down command = 2029 - mouse MFD zoom command = 2030 - joystick MFD zoom command = 2031 - mouse move selecter left/right command = 2032 - mouse move selecter up/down command = 2033 - joystick move selecter left/right command = 2034 - joystick move selecter up/down

Some discrete keyboard input commands (value is absent): command = 7 -- Cockpit view command = 8 -- External view command = 9 -- Fly-by view command = 10 -- Ground units view command = 11 -- Civilian transport view command = 12 -- Chase view command = 13 -- Navy view command = 14 -- Close air combat view command = 15 -- Theater view command = 16 -- Airfield (free camera) view command = 17 -- Instruments panel view on command = 18 -- Instruments panel view off command = 19 -- Padlock toggle command = 20 -- Stop padlock (in cockpit only) command = 21 -- External view for my plane command = 22 -- Automatic chase mode for launched weapon command = 23 -- View allies only filter command = 24 -- View enemies only filter command = 26 -- View allies & enemies filter command = 28 -- Rotate the camera left fast command = 29 -- Rotate the camera right fast command = 30 -- Rotate the camera up fast command = 31 -- Rotate the camera down fast command = 32 -- Rotate the camera left slow command = 33 -- Rotate the camera right slow command = 34 -- Rotate the camera up slow command = 35 -- Rotate the camera down slow command = 36 -- Return the camera to default position command = 37 -- View zoom in fast command = 38 -- View zoom out fast command = 39 -- View zoom in slow command = 40 -- View zoom out slow command = 41 -- Pan the camera left command = 42 -- Pan the camera right command = 43 -- Pan the camera up command = 44 -- Pan the camera down command = 45 -- Pan the camera left slow command = 46 -- Pan the camera right slow command = 47 -- Pan the camera up slow command = 48 -- Pan the camera down slow command = 49 -- Disable panning the camera command = 50 -- Allies chat command = 51 -- Mission quit command = 52 -- Suspend/resume model time command = 53 -- Accelerate model time command = 54 -- Step by step simulation when model time is suspended command = 55 -- Take control in the track command = 57 -- Common chat command = 59 -- Altitude stabilization command = 62 -- Autopilot command = 63 -- Auto-thrust command = 64 -- Power up command = 65 -- Power down command = 68 -- Gear command = 69 -- Hook command = 70 -- Pack wings command = 71 -- Canopy command = 72 -- Flaps command = 73 -- Air brake command = 74 -- Wheel brakes on command = 75 -- Wheel brakes off command = 76 -- Release drogue chute command = 77 -- Drop snar command = 78 -- Wingtip smoke command = 79 -- Refuel on command = 80 -- Refuel off command = 81 -- Salvo command = 82 -- Jettison weapons command = 83 -- Eject command = 84 -- Fire on command = 85 -- Fire off command = 86 -- Radar command = 87 -- EOS command = 88 -- Rotate the radar antenna left command = 89 -- Rotate the radar antenna right command = 90 -- Rotate the radar antenna up command = 91 -- Rotate the radar antenna down command = 92 -- Center the radar antenna command = 93 -- Trim left command = 94 -- Trim right command = 95 -- Trim up command = 96 -- Trim down command = 97 -- Cancel trimming command = 98 -- Trim the rudder left command = 99 -- Trim the rudder right command = 100 -- Lock the target command = 101 -- Change weapon command = 102 -- Change target command = 103 -- MFD zoom in command = 104 -- MFD zoom out command = 105 -- Navigation mode (value 1, 2, 3, 4 for navmode_none, navmode_route, navmode_arrival ,navmode_landing ) command = 106 -- BVR mode command = 107 -- VS mode command = 108 -- Bore mode command = 109 -- Helmet mode command = 110 -- FI0 mode command = 111 -- A2G mode command = 112 -- Grid mode command = 113 -- Cannon command = 114 -- Dispatch wingman - complete mission and RTB command = 115 -- Dispatch wingman - complete mission and rejoin command = 116 -- Dispatch wingman - toggle formation command = 117 -- Dispatch wingman - join up formation command = 118 -- Dispatch wingman - attack my target command = 119 -- Dispatch wingman - cover my six command = 120 -- Take off from ship command = 121 -- Cobra command = 122 -- Sound on/off command = 123 -- Sound recording on command = 124 -- Sound recording off command = 125 -- View right mirror on command = 126 -- View right mirror off command = 127 -- View left mirror on command = 128 -- View left mirror off command = 129 -- Natural head movement view command = 131 -- LSO view command = 135 -- Weapon to target view command = 136 -- Active jamming command = 137 -- Increase details level command = 138 -- Decrease details level command = 139 -- Scan zone left command = 140 -- Scan zone right command = 141 -- Scan zone up command = 142 -- Scan zone down command = 143 -- Unlock target command = 144 -- Reset master warning command = 145 -- Flaps on command = 146 -- Flaps off command = 147 -- Air brake on command = 148 -- Air brake off command = 149 -- Weapons view command = 150 -- Static objects view command = 151 -- Mission targets view command = 152 -- Info bar details command = 155 -- Refueling boom command = 156 -- HUD color selection command = 158 -- Jump to terrain view command = 159 -- Starts moving F11 camera forward command = 160 -- Starts moving F11 camera backward command = 161 -- Power up left engine command = 162 -- Power down left engine command = 163 -- Power up right engine command = 164 -- Power down right engine command = 169 -- Immortal mode command = 175 -- On-board lights command = 176 -- Drop snar once command = 177 -- Default cockpit angle of view command = 178 -- Jettison fuel tanks command = 179 -- Wingmen commands panel command = 180 -- Reverse objects switching in views command = 181 -- Forward objects switching in views command = 182 -- Ignore current object in views command = 183 -- View all ignored objects in views again command = 184 -- Padlock terrain point command = 185 -- Reverse the camera command = 186 -- Plane up command = 187 -- Plane down command = 188 -- Bank left command = 189 -- Bank right command = 190 -- Local camera rotation mode command = 191 -- Decelerate model time command = 192 -- Jump into the other plane command = 193 -- Nose down command = 194 -- Nose down end command = 195 -- Nose up command = 196 -- Nose up end command = 197 -- Bank left command = 198 -- Bank left end command = 199 -- Bank right command = 200 -- Bank right end command = 201 -- Rudder left command = 202 -- Rudder left end command = 203 -- Rudder right command = 204 -- Rudder right end command = 205 -- View up right command = 206 -- View down right command = 207 -- View down left command = 208 -- View up left command = 209 -- View stop command = 210 -- View up right slow command = 211 -- View down right slow command = 212 -- View down left slow command = 213 -- View up left slow command = 214 -- View stop slow command = 215 -- Stop trimming command = 226 -- Scan zone up right command = 227 -- Scan zone down right command = 228 -- Scan zone down left command = 229 -- Scan zone up left command = 230 -- Scan zone stop command = 231 -- Radar antenna up right command = 232 -- Radar antenna down right command = 233 -- Radar antenna down left command = 234 -- Radar antenna up left command = 235 -- Radar antenna stop command = 236 -- Save snap view angles command = 237 -- Cockpit panel view toggle command = 245 -- Coordinates units toggle command = 246 -- Disable model time acceleration command = 252 -- Automatic spin recovery command = 253 -- Speed retention command = 254 -- Easy landing command = 258 -- Threat missile padlock command = 259 -- All missiles padlock command = 261 -- Marker state command = 262 -- Decrease radar scan area command = 263 -- Increase radar scan area command = 264 -- Marker state plane command = 265 -- Marker state rocket command = 266 -- Marker state plane ship command = 267 -- Ask AWACS home airbase command = 268 -- Ask AWACS available tanker command = 269 -- Ask AWACS nearest target command = 270 -- Ask AWACS declare target command = 271 -- Easy radar command = 272 -- Auto lock on nearest aircraft command = 273 -- Auto lock on center aircraft command = 274 -- Auto lock on next aircraft command = 275 -- Auto lock on previous aircraft command = 276 -- Auto lock on nearest surface target command = 277 -- Auto lock on center surface target command = 278 -- Auto lock on next surface target command = 279 -- Auto lock on previous surface target command = 280 -- Change cannon rate of fire command = 281 -- Change ripple quantity command = 282 -- Change ripple interval command = 283 -- Switch master arm command = 284 -- Change release mode command = 285 -- Change radar mode RWS/TWS command = 286 -- Change RWR/SPO mode command = 288 -- Flight clock reset command = 289 -- Zoom in slow stop command = 290 -- Zoom out slow stop command = 291 -- Zoom in stop command = 292 -- Zoom out stop command = 295 -- View horizontal stop command = 296 -- View vertical stop command = 298 -- Jump to fly-by view command = 299 -- Camera jiggle command = 300 -- Cockpit illumination command = 308 -- Change ripple interval down command = 309 -- Engines start command = 310 -- Engines stop command = 311 -- Left engine start command = 312 -- Right engine start command = 313 -- Left engine stop command = 314 -- Right engine stop command = 315 -- Power on/off command = 316 -- Altimeter pressure increase command = 317 -- Altimeter pressure decrease command = 318 -- Altimeter pressure stop command = 321 -- Fast mouse in views command = 322 -- Slow mouse in views command = 323 -- Normal mouse in views command = 326 -- HUD only view command = 327 -- Recover my plane command = 328 -- Toggle gear light Near/Far/Off command = 331 -- Fast keyboard in views command = 332 -- Slow keyboard in views command = 333 -- Normal keyboard in views command = 334 -- Zoom in for external views command = 335 -- Stop zoom in for external views command = 336 -- Zoom out for external views command = 337 -- Stop zoom out for external views command = 338 -- Default zoom in external views command = 341 -- A2G combat view command = 342 -- Camera view up-left command = 343 -- Camera view up-right command = 344 -- Camera view down-left command = 345 -- Camera view down right command = 346 -- Camera pan mode toggle command = 347 -- Return the camera command = 348 -- Trains/cars toggle command = 349 -- Launch permission override command = 350 -- Release weapon command = 351 -- Stop release weapon command = 352 -- Return camera base command = 353 -- Camera view up-left slow command = 354 -- Camera view up-right slow command = 355 -- Camera view down-left slow command = 356 -- Camera view down-right slow command = 357 -- Drop flare once command = 358 -- Drop chaff once command = 359 -- Rear view command = 360 -- Scores window command = 386 -- PlaneStabPitchBank command = 387 -- PlaneStabHbarBank command = 388 -- PlaneStabHorizont command = 389 -- PlaneStabHbar command = 390 -- PlaneStabHrad command = 391 -- Active IR jamming on/off command = 392 -- Laser range-finder on/off command = 393 -- Night TV on/off(IR or LLTV) command = 394 -- Change radar PRF command = 395 -- Keep F11 camera altitude over terrain command = 396 -- SnapView0 command = 397 -- SnapView1 command = 398 -- SnapView2 command = 399 -- SnapView3 command = 400 -- SnapView4 command = 401 -- SnapView5 command = 402 -- SnapView6 command = 403 -- SnapView7 command = 404 -- SnapView8 command = 405 -- SnapView9 command = 406 -- SnapViewStop command = 407 -- F11 view binocular mode command = 408 -- PlaneStabCancel command = 409 -- ThreatWarnSoundVolumeDown command = 410 -- ThreatWarnSoundVolumeUp command = 411 -- F11 binocular view laser range-finder on/off command = 412 -- PlaneIncreaseBase_Distance command = 413 -- PlaneDecreaseBase_Distance command = 414 -- PlaneStopBase_Distance command = 425 -- F11 binocular view IR mode on/off command = 426 -- F8 view player targets / all targets command = 427 -- Plane autopilot override on command = 428 -- Plane autopilot override off command = 429 -- Plane route autopilot on/off command = 430 -- Gear up command = 431 -- Gear down

To be continued... --]]

-- LoEnableExternalFlightModel() call one time in start -- LoUpdateExternalFlightModel(binary_data) update function

--LoGetHelicopterFMData() -- return table with fm data --{ --G_factor = {x,y,z } in cockpit --speed = {x,y,z} center of mass ,body axis --acceleration= {x,y,z} center of mass ,body axis --angular_speed= {x,y,z} rad/s --angular_acceleration= {x,y,z} rad/s^2 --yaw radians --pitch radians --roll radians --}


--struct external_FM_data --{ -- double orientation_X[3]; -- double orientation_Y[3]; -- double orientation_Z[3]; -- double pos[3];

-- //

-- double velocity[3]; -- double acceleration[3]; -- double omega[3]; --}; -- #endif _EXTERNAL_FM_DATA_H

-- you can export render targets via shared memory interface -- using next functions -- LoSetSharedTexture(name) -- register texture with name "name" to export -- LoRemoveSharedTexture(name) -- copy texture with name "name" to named shared memory area "name" -- LoUpdateSharedTexture(name) -- unregister texture -- texture exported like Windows BMP file -- -------------------------------- -- |BITMAPFILEHEADER | -- |BITMAPINFOHEADER | -- |bits | -- -------------------------------- -- sample textures  : "mfd0" - full SHKVAL screen -- "mfd1" - ABRIS map screen -- "mfd2" - not used -- "mfd3" - not used -- "mirrors" - mirrors