DCS func send chat to

From DCS World Wiki - Hoggitworld.com

Environment: Server
Function: send_chat_to Added with: 2.5.0
Member Of: net, net (gameGUI)
Syntax: net.send_chat_to(string message, number playerId , number fromId)
Description: Sends a chat message to the player with the passed id. If the optional from Id is set then the player will appear to receive a message from that player.

Return Value:
Return Example:
Related Functions: GameGUI API: send_chat, send_chat_to, recv_chat, load_mission, load_next_mission, get_player_list, get_my_player_id, get_server_id, get_player_info, kick, get_stat, get_name, get_slot, set_slot, force_player_slot, lua2json, json2lua, dostring_in, log, trace

Mission Net send_chat, send_chat_to, recv_chat, get_player_list, get_my_player_id, get_server_id, get_player_info, kick, get_stat, get_name, get_slot, set_slot, force_player_slot, lua2json, json2lua, dostring_in, log, trace
