MIST getRandPointInCircle

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Revision as of 22:57, 3 June 2021 by Grimes (talk | contribs)


Added with: Mist 2.0
Returns a randomly generated vec2 coordinate within the specified radius around the center of vec 2 or vec3 point given. If the optional variable innerRadius is given the random point will be generated that has a minimum distance of innerRadius and a maximum distance of radius from the point.

The optional values maxA and minA can be used to limit the possible area of a circle that the random point is returned within. Think of a pizza slice or Pacman as the shape that can be returned. maxA and minA are defined in degrees.

maxA is optional. If not present then it assumes the shape is a circle. minA is optional. If not present then the range will assume minA is 0 (North) to whatever maxA is set to if present.

vec2 mist.getRandPointInCircle(table vec2/vec3 ,number radius , number innerRadius ,number maxA ,number minA )
Valid Input Values:
vec2/vec3 = valid vec2/3 table
radius = any positive number
innerRadius = any positive number less than radius
Return value:
Return example:
Usage Examples:
The following code will deploy a smoke marker randomly inside a zone.


local zone = trigger.misc.getZone('myZone')
local newPoint = mist.getRandPointInCircle(zone.point, zone.radius)


The following will generate a point based off the heading of a unit so that the new point is offset up to 90 degrees from the current heading of the unit.

   local u = Unit.getByName('whatever')
   local headingDeg = math.deg(mist.getHeading(u, true))
   local newPoint = mist.getRandPointInCircle(u:getPoint(), 20000, 10000, headingDeg + 90, headingDeg - 90)
Used within: groupToRandomZone, groupRandomDistSelf, groupToRandomPoint
Related Functions
makeUnitTable, getRandPointInCircle, getRandomPointInZone, getRandomPointInPoly, isTerrainValid, terrainHeightDiff, getUnitsInZones, getUnitsInMovingZones, pointInPolygon, getUnitsInPolygon, getDeadMapObjsInZones, getDeadMapObjsInPolygonZone, getUnitsLOS, random, randomizeNumTable, getAvgPoint, getQFE, getWindBearingAndVel, getPathLength, getPathInSegments, getPointAtDistanceOnPath, projectPoint, getGroupsByAttribute, , getUnitsByAttribute, mapValue,

Scripting Engine

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