MIST getUnitsInZones

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Added with: Mist 1.0
Returns a table of unit objects from the table unit_names that are inside any of the zones listed in the table of zone_names.
table mist.getUnitsInZones(UnitNameTable unit_names ,table zone_names , string zone_type )
Valid Input Values:
zone_names = {'zone1', 'zone2'}

zone_type =

'cylinder' - cylindrical shaped zone extending to +/- infinity in altitude. 
'sphere' - spherical zone
Return value:
Return example:
{ [1] = { ["id_"] = 16779264,} ,[2] = { ["id_"] = 16780032,} ,[3] = { ["id_"] = 16780288,} ,[4] = { ["id_"] = 16780544,} ,}
Usage Examples:
Returns a table of units within the zone KutasiBattle and builds table of units index by the country each unit belongs to.
   local u = mist.getUnitsInZones(mist.makeUnitTable({'[all]'}), {'KutaisiBattle'})
   local countries = {}
   for i = 1, #u do
       local cntry = Unit.getCountry(u[i])
       if not countries[cntry] then
           countries[cntry] = {}
       table.insert(countries[cntry], u[i])
Is called by and is related to Units in zones
Related Functions
makeUnitTable, getRandPointInCircle, getRandomPointInZone, getRandomPointInPoly, isTerrainValid, terrainHeightDiff, getUnitsInZones, getUnitsInMovingZones, pointInPolygon, getUnitsInPolygon, getDeadMapObjsInZones, getDeadMapObjsInPolygonZone, getUnitsLOS, random, randomizeNumTable, getAvgPoint, getQFE, getWindBearingAndVel, getPathLength, getPathInSegments, getPointAtDistanceOnPath, projectPoint, getGroupsByAttribute, , getUnitsByAttribute, mapValue,

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