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F-16C Block 50 loaded with AGM-88s.


The AGM-88 HARM (High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missle) is the go-to weapon for SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses). It locks on to and homes in on emitting radars and is capable of long-range precision shots, although getting up close and personal with SAM systems and baiting them into shooting at you is the most effective method of using the HARM. This is where 'Wild Weaseling' comes into play.

Note that at certain speeds and altitudes (e.g. 350-366kts at FL220) the HARMs will oscillate and cause the aircraft to wobble around its axis. These are called Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCO) and are normal. If the oscillations make it difficult to control the aircraft, increase or reduce speed until the oscillations slow or cease.

Employment Methods

HAD (Harm Attack Display)

HAS (Harm As Sensor)

POS (Position Known) Modes

POS EOM (Equations of Motion)

POS PB (Pre-Briefed)

POS RUK (Range Unknown)