Mission Scripting
Added with: 1.2.0
Member Of:
Object, Spot
vec3 Object.getPoint(Class Self )
Returns a vec3 table of the x, y, and z coordinates for the position of the given object in 3D space. Coordinates are dependent on the position of the maps origin. In the case of the Caucuses theater, the origin is located in the Crimean region of the map.
Function also works with Unit, Weapon, Static Object, Scenery Object, Airbase
Return Value:
Return Example:
Vec3 = {
x = Distance North-south,
y = Distance above height 0,
z = Distance East-West
The following prints the target coordinates to the log.
local targetCoord = Unit.getByName('killMeNow'):getPoint()
env.info('The World Coordinates of the target are: X: ' .. targetCoord.x .. ' Y: ' .. targetCoord.y .. ' Z: ' .. targetCoord.z)
Related Functions:
Object Functions: isExist, destroy, getCategory, getTypeName, getDesc, hasAttribute, getName, getPoint, getPosition, getVelocity, inAir
Spot Functions: createLaser. createInfraRed, destroy, getCategory, getPoint, setPoint, getCode, setCode
Remember that the Vec3 x, y and z do not follow the normal intuitive orientation conventions. 'x' is the north-south axis, 'z' is the east-west axis, and 'y' is the vertical/height axis! Also, Vec3 x & y to not correlate to Vec2 x & y!