Creates a circle on the map with a given radius, color, fill color, and outline.
Coalition Ids to be used.
-1 All
0 Neutral
1 Red
2 Blue
Id MUST be unique and is shared with the ids used with mark panels. Likewise trigger.action.removeMark is used to remove shapes created.
center MUST be a vec3 table. {x, y z}
radius is the radius of the circle in meters.
Color format is {r, g, b, a} with values 0 to 1. A red line with 50% alpha would be {1, 0, 0, 0.5}
Color is the color used for the outline around the shape.
Colorfill corresponds to the shading of the shape
LineType corresponds to an enumerator value.
0 No Line
1 Solid
2 Dashed
3 Dotted
4 Dot Dash
5 Long Dash
6 Two Dash
readOnly denotes whether in the future if clients will be allowed to edit or remove the shape.
Message corresponds to an message box that will appear when the shape is added.