Added with: 1.2.4
Scripting Root > Tasks > Command > SwitchWaypoint
Tasking Type:
Airplanes, Helicopters
Available Under:
All tasks types
Changes the active leg of a route. Allows for more complex patrol patterns to be greater than relying on Orbit commands. This command is only functional if a mission task is active.
This task needs to be in the following format.
SwitchWaypoint = {
id = 'SwitchWaypoint',
params = {
fromWaypointIndex = number,
goToWaypointIndex = number,
Required parameters:
fromWaypointIndex: Defines the waypoint that the AI will travel from.
goToWaypointIndex: Defines the destination waypoint
Optional Parameters:
See article Mission Editor: AI Tasking for more information on how AI tasking is handled within DCS.
Task List:
Task Wrappers: mission, ComboTask, ControlledTask, WrappedAction
Tasks: AttackGroup, AttackUnit, Bombing, Strafing, CarpetBombing, AttackMapObject, BombingRunway, orbit, refueling, land, follow, followBigFormation, escort, Embarking, fireAtPoint, hold, FAC_AttackGroup, EmbarkToTransport, DisembarkFromTransport, CargoTransportation, goToWaypoint, groundEscort, RecoveryTanker
En-route Tasks: engageTargets, engageTargetsInZone, engageGroup, engageUnit, awacs, tanker, ewr, FAC_engageGroup, FAC
Commands: script, setCallsign, setFrequency, setFrequencyForUnit, switchWaypoint, stopRoute, switchAction, setInvisible, setImmortal, setUnlimitedFuel, activateBeacon, deactivateBeacon, activateICLS, deactivateICLS, eplrs, start, transmitMessage, stopTransmission, smoke_on_off, ActivateLink4, deactivateLink4, activateACLS, deactivateACLS, LoadingShip
Options: ROE, Reaction To Threat, Radar Using, Flare Using, Formation, RTB On Bingo, silence, Disperse on Attack, Alarm State, RTB on Out of Ammo, ECM Using, Prohibit AA, Prohibit Jettison, Prohibit Afterburner, Prohibit AG, Missile Attack Range, Prohibit WP Pass Report, Engage Air Weapons, Option Radio Usage Contact,
Option Radio Usage Engage, Option Radio Usage Kill, AC Engagement Range Restriction, jett tanks if empty, forced attack, Altitude Restriction for AAA Min, restrict targets, Altitude Restriction for AAA Max, Prefer Vertical, Evasion Of ARM, Formation Interval